Wednesday, February 5, 2014

When life gives you lemons...make lemons, five ways

I have spent the better part of the last two weeks working with lemons. We have a very mature lemon tree in our back yard that truly is the gift that keeps on giving. When we bought our house 4+ years ago we couldn't believe the size and number of lemons this thing produced! We have had it cut back from the top by at least half - the arborist refused to do it, so we had to find a gardener that was willing - and Ben lovingly provides it with good fertilizer and coffee grounds on a regular basis. After years of love and care, the lemons on this tree are now delicious and abundant! Here's what I've been up to with the lemons...

~ Navel Orange Marmalade ~ Blue Chair Jam Cookbook
Ok, we also have orange trees in the yard - one blood orange, and two navelish types - plus a grapefruit tree. I grew up in the desert. I can't help myself when it comes to citrus.

This marmalade is made with equal parts orange and lemon. I threw in a couple blood oranges for color. It's a three day affair, but well worth the effort. I promise. Here's what it looks like:

And here's the recipe: I have no idea why these are transferring upside down. Anyone with tips on how I can remedy this...please let me know.

~ Glazed Lemon Pound Cake ~ Real Simple Magazine
Let's just say that theirs looks much prettier than mine. Not that that stopped us from eating the entire thing in three days.  

~ Lemonade ~
I like to make it this way....On the stove top, make simple syrup of equal parts sugar and water (I usually use 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water). Heat gently until sugar completely dissolves, remove from heat. Fill a glass pitcher with ice. Add juice from about 30 lemons, and your simple syrup, stir, and enjoy!

~ Preserved Lemons ~
This one Ben makes. I can't take credit. Though I will be the one using them in future recipes.

~ Lemon, Orzo and Meatball Soup
My friend Catherine shared this one with me. I believe her sister-in-law shared it with her. Like all delicious recipes, they should be shared! This soup is made with ground chicken.

And any local friends out there...please feel free to stop by for some lemons. They're yours for the picking!