Saturday, June 28, 2014

Not just for smoothies

5 Reasons I love my #Vitamix 6300 (and no, they're not paying me to say this):

- smoothies: ok, I drink a smoothie everyday. I'm addicted. Try this ~ 1cup plain yogurt, 1/2 banana, 5 strawberries, 1 apple (cored) or 1 orange (peeled), 2 dates, handful of almonds, sprinkle of shredded coconut, sprinkle of cocoa powder, and a handful of ice. Set to smoothie setting, run it twice. So smooth...

- soup: try this ~ roasted  butternut  squash soup with garlic. Follow the recipe, but at the end, purée in Vitamix, hot soup setting.

- soft serve: try this ~ frozen mango, a small handful of mint, and a little agave syrup. Set to frozen dessert setting. Your friends and family may thank you.

- salsa - 4 tomatoes, 1 onion quartered, 2 cloves garlic (peeled), 1 jalapeño pepper (seeded), and a small handful of cilantro. Start on low setting and increase to medium for a few seconds until desired consistency. We ate this all summer long last year. On everything. If you have a fresh mango lying around, throw that in too.

- it cleans itself: try this ~ fill half way with very hot water and a few drops of liquid dish soap, start on low and increase to high speed for total of 30 seconds. Rinse. 

Seriously easy stuff here. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bouillabaisse came to Oakland...and my home will never smell the same

It's the fennel. Holy smokes, that bubbling, mingling, hot pot of chicken, stock, Pernod, fennel, and yes, tomatoes. My goodness, but can my husband cook!

So a little back story...for our first wedding anniversary my husband and I took a culinary adventure through France. We started in Paris, where we celebrated my birthday with pink champagne, then took the train down to Lyon where we stayed with local friends, took in the unbelievable farmers market there, and then sampled some pretty extraordinary local fare. From there we continued by train down to Provence, then rented a car...that's where the real fun started. I speak no French, so let's just say trying to read their maps while my husband yelled the names of French towns at me led to a number of squabbles. If not for the car picnics of salami toes, stinky cheeses, and lots of fresh bread, those days in the car would have been a real challenge! Needless to say, we had some amazing lunches, and dinners, along the various roads on which we meandered. One of our favorites was at a place in Marseille, called Chez Fonfon. Their bouillabaisse is like nothing I've ever experienced, before or since. And the white tureen from which they continually ladle more hot broth atop our fresh fish and So last Saturday when my husband woke up and proclaimed..."hmm, I think I want to make bouillabaisse today," I responded with a speedy "I'm on my way to the farmers market. Make me a list!" He made Bouillabaisse de Poulet Chez Tante Paulette from Patricia Wells Bistro Cooking. Outstanding!

Since we licked clean all remains of the delightful chicken stew, I was forced to cook tonight. Ok, twist my arm, I needed some pasta! An old favorite from the 2010 edition of Real Simple Magazine: Fettuccine with leeks, corn, and arugula. I skipped the arugula this time and instead garnished it with some remaining fennel leaves, green salad on the side. Tres Bien!