Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Soup is ON!

While walking with my cooking buddy yesterday, we got to talking about the wonders of the one-pot meal. You know the ones...they typically start off with the sautéing of aromatics, then add something seasonal and delicious -- like shell beans, or peas, or winter squash -- maybe you throw in some meat, maybe you don't, and then a quart or two of home made stock, and VOILA! Dinner for tonight, for tomorrow, for your friend next door, or for the lady down the street that just had her third baby. Or freeze the leftovers. Whatever makes you happy. 

So while discussing the one-pot wonders, my friend reminded me about the Food52 site. I have to admit that I've been using NY Times Cooking recommendations all summer, and had fallen out of the habit of using Food52. Well, I'm back, they never disappoint! I found this one and made it tonight. It's called Albondigas, and it's a delicious medley of Vitamin A rich Butternut Squash (think bugs bunny, see in the dark, stave off macular degeneration), and iron rich meat balls (think heathy red blood cells that are armed to take on your next cold or flu). And by the way, these aren't just any meat balls; these are made special with the addition of mint and scallions. I used ground sirloin, but I think it would be even better with ground lamb or chicken. The other surprise here was the addition of tons of fresh herbs to the soup while it simmered: tarragon, oregano, and parsley. A veritable party in a bowl. You'll also need some green beans, fresh tomatoes (or tomatillos) and garlic. Here's the link. Hope you enjoy as much as we did. 

Until we meet again!