Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Magic of Shiitake Mushrooms

Is it just me, or is everyone else obsessed with Shiitake Mushrooms? I'm not sure what took me so long to fall for this chewy fungus, but I can't get enough. I've been putting them in everything! Soups, sauteing them with greens, stirring in to risotto, topping pizzas, you name it. I've always been a mushroom fan, but for some reason, this one in particular is driving me mad.
Shiitake mushrooms contain a powerful compound that may help prevent ...
So let's talk about this mystical little mushroom...

It has long been valued by the Chinese for its medicinal properties, but that is in dried, concentrated preparations. So what about just eating these little gems? What does that do for us? Well for starters, Shiitake mushrooms are a strong supporter of our immune systems; they fire up our systems when we need the help, and calm things down if they're overactive. Some studies also show Shiitake's to be supportive of cardiovascular health by lowering total cholesterol. This mushroom in particular is also high in three important antioxidants: selenium, magnesium, and zinc.

Here's a recipe that looks promising...I think I'll try it next week:
Turmeric-Miso Soup with Shiitakes

Here's to our delicious health!