Monday, January 20, 2014

Menu for the week of January 19th

Last night ~ Sunday, January 19th ~ was a "clean out the pantry" kind of night. We had Scrambled Eggs, Roasted Butternut Squash, and Steamed Kale. I'll share the squash recipe because it was a yummy one.

  • Butternut Squash, Roasted with Parmesan: peel and seed one medium squash, then cut into bite-sized cubes. Place in a bowl and toss with 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/4 cup grated Parmesan, 1 teaspoon thyme, and salt and pepper to taste. Transfer to parchment paper-lined baking sheet and roast in 400*F oven for 30 minutes (give them a shake or stir halfway through cooking time to encourage even browning).

~ Monday, January 20th: Slow Cooker Pork with Sautéed Cabbage and Corn Sticks ~ 

  • For the pork: My friend Shauna taught me to make pork this way. It's beyond tender, and super delicious. Place a 3# pork butt in the slow cooker. Add salt, cumin, bay leaves, and the juice of one orange - squeeze in the juice from the two halves, then drop them in too. Cover and cook on low for 8 hours (internal temperature of the pork should be at least 160*F when cooked). Remove and allow to cool, then shred into large chunks using your clean hands. While pork is cooling, pour juice from slow cooker into fat separator.
  • For the cabbage: Adapted from the new Gramercy Tavern Cookbook (in case you're asking, yes, Hanukkah gift from the hubby). Heat 3 tablespoons olive oil in a large pot over high heat. Add 3 cups each, chopped red cabbage and chopped Savoy cabbage, and 2 garlic cloves, smashed. Season with salt and pepper, and cook, stirring often until the edges of the cabbage are browned, about 5 minutes. Add about a half cup of water and continue to cook until the cabbage is crisp-tender, about 5 minutes more. Stir in 1.5 tablespoons red wine vinegar and half a teaspoon of Aleppo pepper. 
  • For serving, put cabbage in a bowl, top with shredded pork, and pour juice from fat separator over the top. Serve with corn bread, or corn sticks, or whatever sounds crunchy and delicious to you. 

~ Tuesday, January 21st: leftovers! ~  

~ Wednesday, January 22nd: Broiled Salmon with rice and broccoli ~
I love broiling fish. It's really fast, and tastes terrific. Put fish in a sauté pan, pour some sunflower oil on top, sprinkle with some salt and sesame seeds, and broil for ~ 10 minutes. Check for doneness. May need a couple more minutes depending on how well cooked you like it. 

~ Thursday, January 23rd: more leftovers! ~
That pork is the gift that keeps on giving. Will likely make some fried rice using yesterday's rice, Mondays pork, and an egg or two. 

~ Friday January 24th: Tot Shabbat pizza party ~

And yes, I get the irony of sharing pork recipes while attending Shabbat services at the end of the week. What can I say, we're Jews that like pork. Don't judge ;-)

Hope everyone has a delicious week!

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