Monday, December 23, 2013

Menu for the week of December 23rd:

Monday, December 23rd -
Dinner with friends tonight. I'm bring a White Bean Gratin. This thing is crazy delicious, and super duper nutritious. If you aren't already eating beans at your house, make it a New Years resolution to do so. Beans are packed with fiber and other important nutrients. Soaking them overnight, and cooking them thoroughly really helps reduce the gas they can produce too. I use my trusty Alice Waters, the Art of Simple Food cookbook for this one. Link above.

Tuesday, December 24th - 
Turkey Burgers with Roasted Sweet Potato Fries and Arugula salad

Wednesday, December 25th - 
We'll be having dinner at a friends house for their annual Christmas Feast. She's making a tenderloin of beef. I'm bringing Cauliflower Puree to accompany the beef, and will do a simple saute of some Asparagus. Also thinking I'll bake cookies. Can't ever have enough cookies!

Thursday, December 26th - 
Spaghetti Carbonara with Kale from a Williams-Sonoma Cookbook called Weeknight Fresh &Fast

Friday, December 27th - 
Chicken with Squash, Turnips, and Shiitakes from same cookbook as above.

Saturday, December 28th - 
Having friends over and planning on doing a Pizza Bar where everyone gets to build their own pie. Kids love this, and it allows everyone to get just what they like. 

Simply buy some pizza dough at the market - or make your own - and then have a variety of sides to choose from. I make the Marcella Hazan tomato sauce that morning, then saute up various veges in the afternoon. I also usually buy a couple sausages, remove the casings and saute them up as well. Greens are a great addition! You add them on top, uncooked, and they just get a nice wilt in the oven. 

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season this year, and the time it gives us to slow down, spend time with family and friends, and enjoy some Nutritious & Delicious Food!!  

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