Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ok - some midweek notes:

  • Slow Cooker Vindaloo - I will likely double the amounts for the dry spices the next time I make this dish...perhaps even add some grated, fresh ginger. I thought it turned out very delicious, however adult palettes (and maybe some kids!) may prefer more spice. It was very mild. Also - some of you have told me that you had trouble reading the Lamb Vindaloo recipe the way I posted it. Sorry about that! Here is a link to America's Test Kitchen, the folks that published the recipe in their cookbook. FYI - they make you join to access the recipe, but offer a 14 day free trail. 
  • Some of you may have seen my Facebook post last week for Triple Ginger, Whole Wheat Ginger Cookies. I made these yesterday and plan to crush them up to make the crust for the Chocolate Tart I'm bringing to Shabbat dinner tomorrow night. If you try these cookies at home, watch cooking times. My oven runs hot, but I did 10 minutes for chewy cookies, and 13 minutes for crispy ones to use for tart crust. 
And here is a picture of my ginger cookies. I wish you could smell them through the blog. Recipes links for Cookies and Tart are above.

Thinking ahead...if the weather stays cold I may make Split Pea Soup for my Slow Cooker Recipe next week! 

1 comment:

  1. Just made the lamb - it was mild but flavorful and good for kid palattes. Thanks for the inspiration!
